Photo by Deanster1983 who’s mostly off

Shade Grade: C
Ok in shade, probably better with more sun
White Chionodoxa
This plant has been dutifully returning every year since I planted it in 2008. However it doesn’t seem do be thriving and generally looks underwhelming and sparse (though the individual plants look ok). I imagine I should have planted them more en masse in the first place, but seeing as this bulb is prone to spread and hasn’t really done so, I think they’d probably perform a lot better in sun or part sun. My research shows they actually do like sun, contrary to the bulb packaging they came in which claims that it’s shade-loving. I’ve been had!
- Plant Type
- Perennial
Nursery Tag
Bloom time: Early Spring. Height: 8". Shade loving. Deer and critter resistant.
Gardener's Log
09/2008: Planted in front garden