Photo by John Rusk

Shade Grade: D
Possibility for the sunnier spots in the yard. Not super cold hardy.
Ceanothus ‘Diamond Heights’
UPDATE: Now that we have more sun to the south, I’m trying again! I couldn’t resist, I love the color and habit.
This plant looked good for quite a while until it up and died one winter. It never got very big, but looked generally healthy until that fateful year. I loved the shiny yellow-green leaves which is a color difficult to find in shade plants. In fact, I would consider buying it again, even if just as a decorative annual for a pot on the deck.
Nursery Tag
Sun, Part Shade. 8-12" tall and 24-36" wide. Blue flowers in spring. Zone 8, cold hardy to 10-20 degrees F.
Gardener's Log
04/2012: Planted in north side garden
07/2021: Planted a new half gallon specimen at end of front sidewalk, west side