Photo by darknesschildsin
Photo by Krissyho
I decided to add a small dwarf red japanese maple to our shady north side yard bring some color into that mostly green area. There isn’t a tone of room in that area and I wanted something low-growing and resistant to slugs. I found the Shaina Japanese Maple listed on Great Plant picks, and was fortunate to be able to order it from Monrovia – one of the lucky times when I discovered a plant I want and can actually acquire it around the same time! Its mature size is probably to big but it will be many years before I need to worry about that.
Nursery Tag
Slowly reaches 6 to 8ft tall, 8 - 10 feet wide. Zones 5 - 8. Water regularly. Easy care, rabbit and deer resistant.
10/2020: Planted next to dwarf hemlock in north side yard
Photo by darknesschildsin
Photo by Krissyho