Incense Cedar

Calocedrus decurrens syn. Libocedrus decurrens
[kal-oh-SED-rus day-KUR-enz]

I struggled with what to plant to replace all the trees removed along our easement to the neighbors driveway. I went with an incense cedar as part of a conifer mix to create a permanent screen. It likes sun, which may or may not be bad – the easement is definitely shaded in the morning and evening but gets a blast of sun mid-day.

I like that this tree stays somewhat narrow, only gets about 40′ tall, and supposedly smells wonderful on hot days. I also think the flat, vertical sprays of needles will create a nice contrast to both the sitka spruce and thuja green giants flanking it on either side.

    Nursery Tag

    Rapidly growing pyradimal coniferous evergreen tree. Height 25 - 30 feet, spread 10 - 15 feet USDA Zone: 5 - 8 Light Needs: Full sun, Partial sun Water Needs: Once established, needs only occasional watering.

    Gardener's Log

    01/2021: Planted midway along newly cleared easement

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