Fuchsia ‘Lady Boothby’
Lady Boothby is a vigorous, hardy fuchsia that grows to 6 feet. When I read the tag before purchasing, I assumed this meant a giant 6-foot shrub, but apparently, it grows more like a vine! I had planned to plant it along the easement as a privacy plant but decided that wouldn’t work. Luckily I found the perfect place for it next to our new-ish garage gate wall. I had to pull up some plastic I had put down to help with drainage in that area during my gutter project. It’s a pretty moist spot so I mounded it up just a bit and added compost when planting.
- Plant Type
- Perennial
Nursery Tag
Zones 7 - 9. Vigorous upright 5-6ft. In the maritime Pacific Northwest, we grow hardy Fuchsias in full sun where they bloom non-stop from late spring to first frost.
Gardener's Log
06/2022: Planted 1 gallon next to garage gate wall. Purchased from LFP Plant Sale, Lee Farm & Nursery