Shade Grade: TBD
Nursery tag claims full sun to full shade - this is against the north wall and in full shade, so we'll see if it ever flowers!
Clematis “Maidwell Hall”
I searched around quite a bit for a non-clinging vine to climb up the north wall to help hide some of the wires and other uglies on that side of the house. I had intended to buy another cultivar of clematis macropetala but found this one at the nursery and decided to go for it. It seems to be putting on new growth in the last month since I planted it so that’s a good start.
Pruning group 1: blooms mostly on old wood. Prune (if at all) right after bloom
Update June 2021: This guy may be in too deep of shade. It’s June 24 and the vine is only about 2 feet tall.
Gardener's Log
07/2020: Planted to climb up gutter downspout on north side wall