Photo taken June 2023

Agastache ‘Morello’
The dusty green and purple foliage of Agastache ‘Morello’ sets off incredibly large, burgundy-rose flower spikes that burst forth in spring. This cultivar exhibits a nice mounding habit and good mildew resistance. Agastache is extremely popular with pollinators and hummingbirds especially, hence the common name ‘Hummingbird Mint.’
I placed 3, 4″ pots in an open spot between salal shrubs, whose shiny bright green foliage contrasts nicely with the soft sage-like agastache leaves. As of this writing, they are just beginning to bloom, and I’m looking forward to the color blast coming as the summer progresses.
Switch Grass, Russian Sage, Coneflower, Rudbeckia, Shasta Daisy
Gardener's Log
06/2023: Planted 3, 4" pots next to large spruce/fir facing the lawn