Gardening Comics

Jun 19, 2017 | Garden Humor | 4 comments

Another major hobby of mine is comics. For the last couple years, I’ve produced a single-panel strip called The Daily Drawing that’s currently published twice weekly on Once in a while, I’ll do a garden-related comic, and today I came up with the bright idea to compile them into a blog post.

I think these are fun and it’s nice to see them all together. This also saves my lazy self from coming up with new content for this week – a win/win! But honestly, I had fun sifting through the comic vault and it’s gratifying to have enough gardening comics pull into a group. Hope you enjoy them!

The Daily Drawing Gardening Comics - Invasive SpeciesThe Daily Drawing Gardening Comics  - Rose Farm The Daily Drawing Gardening Comics - Eden The Daily Drawing Gardening Comics - Mother's Day The Daily Drawing Gardening Comics - Midlife Crisis The Daily Drawing Gardening Comics  - Earthworm Problems The Daily Drawing Gardening Comics  - Bean Patch The Daily Drawing Gardening Comics - Clique Beetles The Daily Drawing Gardening Comics - Topiary The Daily Drawing Gardening Comics  - Vegetarian The Daily Drawing Gardening Comics - Dung Beetles The Daily Drawing Gardening Comics - Metric Inchworm

Comments on Gardening Comics


  1. Rebekah

    I enjoyed these very much, thank you!

    • Lorie

      Hi Rebekah, thanks for your comment, glad you enjoyed these!

      • Hazel Prime

        Can these be used in our newsletter with being in breech of copyright. We have a small allotment site.

        • Lorie

          Hi Hazel, this sounds like a small publication – feel free to use them as long as the copyright line is visible 🙂 Thank you for asking!


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