It's nearly July and the garden has reached peak bloom. Weed growth has slowed from "OMG" to just annoying, enabling me to catch up a bit. So I figured it was a good time to get out there and take a...
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Garden Update
Garden Update: Obligatory Flowers, A New Tree and Caged Radishes
We've had an all-time record amount of rain in Seattle this winter. I don't know if that makes for more May flowers than normal, but it's definitely looking lush out there. The weeds are also pretty...
Garden Update: 14 Ferns
This morning I ran around like a crazy person taking pics of all the ferns I could find before the forecasted rain came. These suckers are growing fast and I wanted to capture some photos before...
Garden Update: Pieris, Creek Cleanout and Slugs
Things seem to be happening in the garden despite our extra cold, extra wet, extra gross weather. These plants have more fortitude than me. The sun poked its head out today though and I a quick...