Photo taken April 2022
Photo taken June 2023
Purchased two healthy-looking but extremely root bound 3-4 foot specimens from Wells Medina. I tried to unbind them but didn’t want to remove too many roots, so they were still somewhat bound up when I planted them. Hopefully they survive, they look beautiful and I think they’ll be a great screening plant and backdrop for other future plants in that area.
Nursery Tag
20-25 ft. H x 10-12 ft. W It has a "tear drop" shape Sunlight: full sun; sun/partial shade Soil:. Wet soil tolerant. Growth Rate: Medium/Fast, up to 2' a year after established, depending on growing conditions.
04/2022: Planted two, 2 gallon containers along easement/driveway.
Photo taken April 2022
Photo taken June 2023