Photo in 2019
Photo taken 2021
Photo taken 2022
Needs a decent amount of light indoors. Fairly hardy.
UPDATE 2022: Monstera is loving its new home in the sunroom. See progress pics below!
This plant needs more light than it was getting inside the family room. It had not many splits and pretty small leaves, although I was apparently underwatering it too (which I discovered as I repotted my first specimen).
As of this post, I repotted the first and added 2 more to the sunroom. Overall it seems like a pretty hardy plant. It survived an encounter with the cat that sent the pot and plant tumbling over, breaking off half its leaves.
Nursery Tag
Fast growing irregular plant- Likes sun, Keep above 55F - Let dry between waterings. Needs staking with age- More light=moresplits
04/2019: Bought a 6-inch pot from Sky Nursery - 2 for one in the same pot! Split into 2 pots and placed into the sunroom. Also moved my previous monstera from inside into the sunroom, planted in a large container.
Photo in 2019
Photo taken 2021
Photo taken 2022