Photo taken May 2022

Geranium ‘Rozanne’
Geranium Himalayense x Wallichianum 'Rozanne'
After selecting Geranium macrorhizum ‘Czakor’ for the front bed, I kept seeing recommendations and laudations for this variety. So when I happened upon it for sale at Sky I went for it – another ‘buy it then find a place for it’ purchase. Looking forward to seeing how these perform. A great plant pick for the Pacific Northwest.
- Plant Type
- Perennial
Nursery Tag
20"H 24"W. Hardy to Zone 5. Long blooming. Plant with: Penstemon, Hakonechloa, Carex, Veronica, Leucanthemum, Digitalis, Aster
Gardener's Log
04/2022: Planted 3 1 gallon pots on north side of creek
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