Shade Grade: B
The flowers are wonderful, but the foliage is susceptible to slugs and leaf miner in our garden.
Lupine Hybrid
I’m striving to get a big clump of these to grow up around the creek. I purchased 3 potted lupines in ‘Gallery Red’, and also scattered some variety-colored seeds. In addition, I’ve been gathering seeds and poking them into the soil in the fall, so I have a growing population of tiny lupines all over the place. Unfortunately, they don’t look super great, but they are slowly making it through the summer to pop back up the next year. Because they are native to this area, I was hoping they’d flourish on their own, but I know they’d be doing a lot better if I took the time to amend the soil properly with compost and fertilizer and mulch.
Gardener's Log
06/2015: Planted 3 'Gallery Red' around the creek. Supplemented with seeds of in a variety of colors.