Shade Grade: A
Not my favorite, but interesting to look at. Looking forward to them getting huuuge.
Hosta ‘Sum and Substance’
I love the huge leaves on this Hosta. The color and waxy texture weirdly reminds me of a tree frog. Unfortunately, these are easily burned by the sun, so I’ve had to move a few of them. Their leaves also get a yellow cast later in summer which is purported to be a feature, but I’m not too fond of it. Overall I like them and look forward to seeing how much bigger they get every year. Definitely a choice for the larger garden.
Gardener's Log
05/2008: Planted in front garden. Later moved to back yard.
05/2011: Part of the 2011 online purchase. Planted in the front yard and in the front garden next to the garage. Moved the garage-sited one at some point to the back yard.