Shade Grade: A
Great, bright color option for the shade garden.
Golden Hardy Fuchsia
This lovely fucshia took a while to establish, maybe 2 years, but once it did it flourished. We’re rewarded with a spray of arching, lime green foliage in spring and contrasting, narrow magenta flowers in late summer that hang down like drop earrings. The plant got so big that in fall 2016, I dug it up and split it in two – which was no small feat. I worried I’d mangled it a little too much but both halves have regrown without problems this summer (2017). It tends to get whiteflies later in the season, but the damage is minimal. I’d recommend placing it in a sunnier spot in your shade garden.
- Plant Type
- Perennial
Nursery Tag
Single arching 18-24". Corolla: purple. Sepals: red
Gardener's Log
08/2008: Planted next to clematis vine in front garden
09/2016: Split and planted half in North Side Garden