Photo by F. D. Richards
Photo by F. D. Richards
This really is a sun plant, so we'll see how it fares in one of the sunnier spots in the yard.
I purchased this pretty little conifer on a whim while wandering around the nursery determined to buy something when I didn’t find anything on my actual shopping list (not uncommon). A dwarf relative of the quite common Emerald Arborvitae privacy plant, Fire Chief is a low grower that maintains a compact rounded shape without much pruning. In fall it puts on a show with tips turning a deep orange-red. New growth in spring emerges in bright gold before muting back to light green for summer.
Nursery Tag
Compact. 2 feet wide and tall in 10 years. Zones 5 - 8. Water regularly, dislikes dry conditions. Water deeply and regularly in the first few growing seasons for an extensive root system.
10/2020: Planted in front garden close to driveway
Photo by F. D. Richards
Photo by F. D. Richards