Shade Grade: TBD
Sun to part shade, or full sun depending on the resource. Hopefully these don't stretch too much.
Dwarf Fothergilla
I fell in love with the bluish and unusual, broadly square leaf shape on these fothergilla when scouting for some small shrubs to plant along the easement. Researching these later I found out they turn a striking red color in fall, and emerge with sweet-smelling blooms in very early spring.
I’m curious about their ultimate size – the grower’s tag cites 2 x 3 feet, the seller’s tag cites 3 x 4 feet, and online resources I’ve found estimate 6 x 6 feet. They were already almost 2 feet in their 2 gallon nursery pots when I bought them, so I suspect they will grow toward the larger estimates. In any case I planted them 4 feet apart on center, and look forward to seeing how they progress.
- Plant Type
- Shrub
Nursery Tag
slow growing spreading deciduous broadleaf shrub. height 3 to 4 feed. Hardy to about -10 degrees. Unique white flowers. Blooms very early.
Gardener's Log
08/2021: Planted 3 small shrubs 4 feet apart on easement between alaska cedar and spring grove arborvitae