Photo taken September 2022

Dark Knight Bluebeard
Caryopteris x clandonensis 'Dark Knight'
[kare-ee-OP-ter-iss ex klan-don-EN-sis]
I came across these pretty purple-flowered plants at Sky Nursery in the outside lot, and they were COVERED in bees! I’ve been wanting to experiment with full sun pollinator plants along our ‘newly’ cleared south easement, and figured these would make a good start. It’s the end of the season now, and the area is being somewhat shaded by a neighbor’s willow tree, so I’m looking forward to seeing how they perform next year as the sun rises higher in the sky.
- Plant Type
- Perennial
Nursery Tag
H: 2-3' W: 2-3' Zone 5. Drought tolerant. Attracts pollinators and hummingbirds. Deer resistant. Prune back hard in spring. 'Great Plant Pick'
Gardener's Log
09/2021: Planted 3 specimens on south easement
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