Shade Grade: A
Extremely hardy with great form and color
Blue Weeping Alaska Cedar
The graceful Blue Weeping Alaska Cedar is a narrow weeping conifer with a distinctive blue cast. Chamaecyparis nootkatensis is native to the coastal regions of northwestern North America. This ‘Pendula Glauca’ cultivar is a popular garden ornamental and makes a standout focal point or even a unique privacy screen when planted in groves. Its compact habit is useful in smaller properties where the broader growing species would be unsuitably large.
I purchased one tree many years ago and moved the poor thing three times. I was sure it would give up the ghost on the third uprooting (maybe 7 years ago now), but it held on and is doing great. Its current home gets very dry in the summer and has poor sandy soil – the tree looks great anyway, but its growth is minimal at probably less than 6 inches per year, which seems to be the only side effect.
Japanese Maple, Oakleaf Hydrangea, Flowering Quince, Ground cover pines and junipers
Gardener's Log
05/2013: Planted in North Side garden
06/2017: Moved over a few feet to make room for Coral Bark growth
09/2016: Moved over next to the creek by the rotting stump