Photo by F. D. Richards

Shade Grade: A
Yews are shade stalwarts and these are no exceptions.
Hick’s Yew
In 2018 I decided to replace the brown, dying conifers in our front porch pots with something more well suited to shade. So I picked up these columnar yews hoping they would perform a little better. Unfortunately, although they are columnar and seems to like their homes, they have a bit of an odd open habit so I may need to find a new home for them in the ground.
Gardener's Log
05/2018: Planted in front pots to replace dead/dying conifers. Sometime in 2018?
12/2021: I keep moving these poor plants! In 2019 or 2020, I moved one to the east corner by the new gate fence. In 2019 I had moved the other to the front garden retaining wall, and then moved it to the south side of the garage driveway circle. That poor thing got a bit fried during the 2020 heat dome. Then I moved it in Dec 2021 next to its friend by the new gate fence. It's so yellow compared to the other one! We'll see if it survives.