Photo by Ryan Somma

Shade Grade: C
I've only bought this fern as bagged roots. Some never came up, and the ones that have look just ok. Based on my research I think our Pacific Northwest Winters are too mild for it.
Tennessee Ostrich Fern
This plant has a lot of synonyms!
Genus: Diplazium (dy-PLAY-zee-um) (Info)
Species: pycnocarpon (PIK-no-kar-pon) (Info)
Synonym: Asplenium pycnocarpon
Synonym: Athyrium pycnocarpon
Synonym: Homalosorus pycnocarpos
Gardener's Log
03/2017: Planted next to/behind blue hostas. I purchased these new ones bagged from Sky Nursery. We'll see how they fare. I planted them in the new bed at the northwest corner of the dirt room, which is partly underneath the eave. If they do come up, I might need to move them, as they need consistently moist soil.
04/2017: Bought a few more roots to try again in a new patch out front of the dirt room NW window. One is coming up so far, I may have buried the others too deeply!.