Shade Grade: D
Slugs love to dine on the spindly 2-3 leaves this plant puts out every year
Himalayan Mayapple
UPDATE: I’ve had this one under the deck stairs for 2 years – it comes back every year but just doesn’t do much except feed the slugs. I might try and move it before I relegate it to the compost bin!
The nursery tag said “Great Plant for Woodland Gardens!”, and I don’t already have one so of course I had to buy it. I planted this last year toward the end of the season, so I have yet to see its full potential. So far it has just emerged from the ground this spring so I’m hoping to catch some photos of it pretty soon.
- Plant Type
- Perennial
Nursery Tag
PERENNIAL Solitary, open, cup- shaped, white to pink flowers in spring, followed by red berries. Green leaves with purple blotches. All parts of this plant are poisonous except for the fully ripe berries. Grows 18" by 12’. PLACEMENT: Woodland borders or ground cover. CARE: Plant in moist, fertile, humus-rich soil in partial to full shade.
Gardener's Log
07/2018: Purchased from Savage Plants, sat in a pot on the deck for a month. Planted under the stairs looking a big haggard.
07/2020: Still under the deck stairs, still looking haggard, likely due to slugs. Might need to move this guy.
05/2021: Moved to north side yard, house house side