Shade Grade: TBD
Sprouts appeared in May 2017
Goatsbeard ‘Misty Lace’
Aruncus hybrid 'Misty Lace'
This is another purchase from Sundquist Nursery at the NW Flower and Garden Show. I might need to move it from the South Easement spot I planted it in. I was desperate to get it in the ground! Later I discovered it needs more moisture than that spot probably gets (which was not detailed on the nursery tag). But, these are apparently pretty tough which is important for that area of the yard!
Nursery Tag
Profuse creamy white blooms in early summer. Fine textured foliage. Decent soil. 4'.
Gardener's Log
03/2017: Purchased as root in a bag at the NW Flower and Garden show, planted under/near edge of holly trees
Comments on Goatsbeard ‘Misty Lace’