Grading System

If you’ve checked out any of the shade plant entries you probably noticed I give every plant a letter grade. This grade is completely unscientific.

The grades are a representation of:

  • How well it works in a particular spot in my garden at a particular point in time
  • How well it works with my gardening style, which I would describe as quite laissez-faire.
  • My particular taste in plants

I try to explain myself a bit in the Shady Assessment comment to help give some context. My goals are to:

  1. Remind myself how much I do or do not like a plant (yes I need reminding), and
  2. Perhaps give other folks a guidepost for how or if they should attempt to grow a particular species/variety.

I hope you find this helpful, but be warned, you may have a completely different experience with a particular plant than me!

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